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Get into Health and Social Care Studies

The health and social care sector in the UK is ever increasing and in need of more and more qualified professionals and experts to deliver excellent practice. So how can you make your move into the sector?

The health and social care sector in the UK is ever increasing and in need of more and more qualified professionals and experts to deliver excellent practice. So how can you make your move into the sector?


In this session we’ll explore the various routes available to you in the sector, and the ways in which you can jumpstart your career with a university degree.

We’ll take a closer look at the University of Cumbria’s BSc Health and Social Care, and BSc Children and Young People’s Health and Wellbeing programmes, discovering the vast range of modules and opportunities available to you therein.


This session will last around 30 minutes, with plenty of time for audience questions.

To access this session please click here: Get into Health and Social Care Studies | University of Cumbria