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Are you a Social Care employer?


Are you looking to fill your vacancies?

Do you need some support with creating a recruitment campaign?

Look no further!

Here are some useful links to a variety of resources available to use –

https://www.adultsocialcare.co.uk/home.aspx – National Recruitment campaign website for Adult Social Care

https://www.adultsocialcare.co.uk/job-search.aspx – Job board as part of the national campaign

https://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/Careers-in-care/Think-Care-Careers.aspx – Skills for Care page on variety of careers available across ASC and case studies

https://campaignresources.phe.gov.uk/resources/campaigns/106/resources/5998 – Recruitment guide including info on marketing / social media linked to NRC – required document to be downloaded


Below is our HomeCare recruitment toolkit with a variety of information to support you in creating eye-catching adverts to fill your vacancies.

Home Care Recruitment Toolkit

Home care social media presentation

Home care social media presentation


Recruitment Videos – To view all recruitment videos please click here 

To download the videos click on the three dots under the video, then click on the download option

Social media recruitment videos: To view all social media videos please click here 

To download the videos click on the three dots under the video, then click on the download option


Social media recruitment images for use by Home Care providers – Available to download, insert your logo and add to your adverts


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