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Grow Your Own: Volunteer Project


Grow Your Own: Volunteer project

The project provides an outdoor area where people who use services and staff alike can go to get away from the hustle and  bustle of the main area and get  involved with activities such as  planting, looking after hens or simply taking some time out in the tranquillity garden. The project grows its own herbs and vegetables which are then sent to the kitchen at Guild Lodge for use in meals across the hospital as well as sent to the wards where people can use the produce to prepare their own meals.

I was having a bad patch and developed depression, through the ‘Grow your Own’ and seeing the service users and how they manage their daily life with mental health has helped coach and given me an understanding of mental health and volunteering has helped me tremendously in my steps to recovery.  I like the area because it is therapeutic, the wildlife, the flowers and the spiritual wellbeing of the area and everyone takes part equally.”

Grow your Own Volunteer